Phuoc Lam Pagoda
Phuoc Lam Pagoda
Phuoc Lam Pagoda
Phuoc Lam Pagoda
Phuoc Lam Pagoda
Phuoc Lam Pagoda


Price: Updating

Phone: 0

Time to visit a place: 30 phút

Open Time: 8:00 AM - Close Time: 5:30 PM


Address: TP Hoi An,

Phuoc Lam Pagoda, located in Cam Ha commune, Hoi An city, about 2km from Hoi An center, is a religious architectural construction that manifests architectural beauty. According to the historical documents, the pagoda was built around the 18th century, by Zen Master Minh Giác. Then there are the contributions of different abbots in the restoration and embellishment of the scene. The architectural layout reflects the pattern "Môn" (門). The pagoda is divided into three main parts: three-arched-entrances gate, terrace, and the main building. The main space is built in the style of three compartments & 2 lean-tos, two wings, with two bell-towers, the roofs are covered with yin and yang tiles, the top of the roof is decorated with eye-catching sculptures of dragons. Nowaday, in Phước Lâm Pagoda, many precious artifacts are still preserved in a good condition such as: ancient porcelain bowls, or delicately carved ancient woodblocks... Not only that, in the yard, there is a large collection of old statues sculpted from centuries ago. After more than 200 years of construction with many restorations, Phước Lâm Pagoda still contains a lot of special values in terms of architecture and artistic decorations. Therefore, it is now chosen by many tourists in their ... View more





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