Tak Ngo Ginseng Garden
Tak Ngo Ginseng Garden
Tak Ngo Ginseng Garden
Tak Ngo Ginseng Garden
Tak Ngo Ginseng Garden


Price: Updating

Phone: 0868006577

Time to visit a place: 60 phút

Open Time: 7:00 AM - Close Time: 6:00 PM

Email: phongpt2@quangnam.gov.vn

Address: Thôn 4 Xã Trà Linh, Huyện Nam Trà My, Tỉnh Quảng Nam

Tak Ngo's forest area is adjacent to the northwest forest area of ​​Tra Nam commune - the area where ginseng is grown by residents. Tak Ngo Ginseng Garden is located in the middle of high mountains with intact primeval forest on 200 hectares right next to the roof of the village; Above Tak Ngo village is a forest with root ginseng (natural ginseng) and ginseng grown by residents of Cam Bin and Mang Lung villages, which have been harvested for more than 10 years; This ginseng garden is located at an altitude of about 1,600m, about 200m lower than Ngoc Do ginseng of Tra Linh medicinal farm. The weather here starts to get cold, in the middle of the day it is 20oC, at night it is below 18oC. Winter and spring are much colder; Tak Ngo ginseng garden is a great habitat that few places have because the forest near the village is often invaded by residents. Not only to preserve the genetic resources of the endemic ginseng species of Ngoc Linh mountains and forests, and to create a source of young ginseng plants to provide ginseng growers according to the scheme, the Tak Ngo ginseng hatchery is also ... View more


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Tak Ngo's forest area is adjacent to the northwest forest area of ​​Tra Nam commune - the area where ginseng is grown by residents. Tak Ngo Ginseng Garden is located in the middle of high mountains with intact primeval forest on 200 hectares right next to the roof of the village; Above Tak Ngo village is a forest with root ginseng (natural ginseng) and ginseng grown by residents of Cam Bin and Mang Lung villages, which have been harvested for more than 10 years; This ginseng garden is located at an altitude of about 1,600m, about 200m lower than Ngoc Do ginseng of Tra Linh medicinal farm. The weather here starts to get cold, in the middle of the day it is 20oC, at night it is below 18oC. Winter and spring are much colder; Tak Ngo ginseng garden is a great habitat that few places have because the forest near the village is often invaded by residents. Not only to preserve the genetic resources of the endemic ginseng species of Ngoc Linh mountains and forests, and to create a source of young ginseng plants to provide ginseng growers according to the scheme, the Tak Ngo ginseng hatchery is also a place to experiment and summarize planting techniques. Ngoc Linh ginseng aims to gradually improve the "technology" of growing this precious ginseng... Although there is still a large area of ​​primary forest in Tra Linh, there is a large forest area, high altitude, and a suitable climate. It is not easy to set up a ginseng hatchery on the same scale as in Tak Ngo. With such an ideal terrain, from the results achieved, according to the existing development plan, in about two years Tak Ngo ginseng hatchery will be a very attractive "museum" of Ngoc Linh ginseng...
“The advantage in Tak Ngo is that the road to the ginseng garden is not too steep and steep, closer to the communal road than in Mang Lung area. Thanks to that, it is more convenient to open the way for cars to the upcoming ginseng camp.

Sample Plan

